Sunday, December 12, 2010


DAY 85

In 2004, an Australian man known only by the pseudonym "Juan Mann", began giving free hugs in Pitt Street Mall, Sydney, Australia.  In the prior months, he had been feeling lonely and depressed because of personal problems.  He had gone to a party and someone randomly gave him a hug.  It made him feel so good at the time, that he thought that maybe other people were in his situation, in desperate need of human contact.

He came up with the idea of going in public places with a sign saying ‘Free Hugs’. The first time he did it, he had to wait fifteen minutes before an older lady finally came up to him and hugged him. From that moment on, a worldwide campaign was launched.  Now, all over the world, people stand in public places and give free hugs. I think it is a wonderful initiative.

Hugging feels good, but it seems like it also has health benefits. Hugging causes the release of a hormone called oxytocin. Many studies have shown that this hormone helps lower the levels of stress and anxiety, reduces blood pressure, increases the immune system, increases tolerance to pain and perhaps even speeds up the healing of wounds. It also improves mood and promotes loving and bonding feelings.

Hugging and touching is very cultural.  Mediterranean people, for instance, tend to touch each other more frequently and easily than typical North Americans.  However, no matter your origin, the power of hugging remains.   A big hug can have limitless benefits in bringing on happiness, especially when it is given by someone you care about using it to show appreciation.

So, let’s all make more time for hugs.  By doing so, we might be improving the quality of our health, our happiness, their happiness and our overall well-being!

Check out this video about free hugs given in Italy:

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