Wednesday, December 15, 2010


Day 88

We’ve all been hurt by someone at some point in the course of our lives.  However, after a disagreement, some people become more resentful than others.  When I hear of family members not speaking to each other for decades or best friends giving up on their relationship over one incident, I wonder how holding a grudge can serve anyone’s life in a positive way.

I’m lucky.  My memory is very selective or I simply have a very bad memory.  Generally, when it comes to arguments with people, I don’t hold grudges, not because I’m such a forgiver, but because most of the times after a couple of days, I remember I had an argument with that person, but I forget what it was about.

Holding a grudge is like carrying a bucket of smelly fish everywhere you go.  Although you might get used to the smell, it keeps emanating unpleasant vapors, reminding you that something is wrong.  It is a very heavy load to carry and could very well deplete you of your energy on a daily basis. 

When you are holding a grudge, the hate that you are experiencing simmers inside of you and can suck the joy out of your life. It’s quite hard to be happy when all that is on your mind is the wrong that someone has done to you.

Life is so short, why waste it being angry at anyone.  In the end, you are only punishing yourself, and you might also be missing out on a relationship that brought you so much and that you used to value.  

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