Saturday, January 8, 2011


Day 103

 “If only I could have more time to do the things I want to do, I’d certainly be happier”.  “If I were thinner, if I were able to travel more, if I had more money, if I had a bigger house, if I had a partner, if I had a different job, if I had a smaller nose, if my house was paid off, then my life would be completely different and I would experience more joy.”   “When I get married, when I have children, when my children grow up, when I retire, then I feel my life will really be worth living”.

Do any of these sentences sound familiar?   Why do we constantly attribute our happiness or lack thereof to events that occur outside of ourselves?

Cinderella was happy BEFORE she met Prince Charming (what was his name anyway?) She always wore the same old dress, she slaved all day and her only human contacts were with three cruel and angry women who bossed her around and mistreated her.  But, despite her circumstances, she hummed away with the birds. Her soul was pure, full of kindness and generosity, she laughed, danced and twirled around.  She found happiness within herself.  And then she was able to share her happiness with the Prince. 

Nothing and no one can be blamed or thanked for your happiness but yourself.  We could all learn something from Cinderella… We don’t have to wait around or postpone happiness. We can take responsibility for it starting NOW simply by changing our beliefs and by knowing that everything starts within!

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