Friday, January 21, 2011


Day 116

When I was doing my daily research on happiness, I stumbled upon an article that talked about fresh flowers and happiness.  I have always loved flowers.  In the summer, I really enjoy walking around and looking at the flower designs people create no matter the size of their front lawn. 

In the month of May, when lilacs bloom, my level of happiness quintuples.  Not only because of the beauty of that flower, which comes in different shades of purple and white, but also because of its delicate scent.

When I lived in Holland, I noticed that people would buy flowers on a weekly basis to decorate their house and fill their lives with a little bouquet of happiness.

Here, in Canada, we tend to buy fresh flowers to offer as a present.  We rarely do it for our own pleasure.

Research shows that receiving flowers can have a true impact on the mood.  If that’s the case, why not change your mood yourself, by going to the florist and getting flowers.

In Feng shui, which is the ancient Chinese art of house decoration, flowers are said to evoke universal human feelings such as beauty, grace and delicate sensuality.   In addition to the energy of beauty and grace, flowers are believed to bring good fortune to any home.

There is also a symbolic association to each flower.  So, depending on what you want to say, you can select your flowers accordingly.

No matter what flower you choose though, its beauty and perfume is sure to lift your spirit, even if only momentarily.

So, today, I went to buy myself some flowers.  Winter is getting colder and colder.  And I really needed to bring a little sunshine into my day.  So, I went to see this Korean woman who owns a little flower shop a couple of blocks away from my house.  She is a wonderful woman.  She is always extremely kind and generous with everyone.   She is a single mom with 14 kids who works very hard and takes no time for herself (I think her store is always open).  Although her flowers might not be of the best quality, I would never go anywhere else.

When I came back home, as I was putting my flowers into a vase, I vowed to go and buy some regularly for no other reason than to bring a little more happiness into my life. 

1 comment:

dcmarvel said...

quintuples...i like it !