Friday, January 14, 2011


DAY 109

My friend Christina has decided to go see all potential Oscar winning films before the end of the month.  So, last night, along with Catherine and Joanne, two other girlfriends, we went to the movies to watch The Black Swann

I had seen previews of the film and I really wasn’t sure I wanted to go, but I still went, thinking that the company would make up for the film, if it turned out to be bad.

I love going to the movies.  I love the smell of popcorn.  I love to sit on those large comfortable armchairs.  And as the lights go off and the screen lights up, I always feel as though a new adventure is about to begin.  I love watching the previews, thinking about and commenting on whether or not I would go watch this or that film. 

I love going to the movies because as soon as the lights are turned off, I enter a world and become completely absorbed by it for two hours.  For that period of time, nothing else matters; I have no problems, no responsibilities.  I feel free.

Last night, as the film began, I quickly realized that my instincts were right about that film and that it was not going to be that enjoyable. For large chunks of the movie, because of graphic violence, I had to close my eyes and ask Christina, who was sitting next to me, what happened. 

Thank god, during the movie, we were joking around, lightening up the way too tense atmosphere created by the seriousness and violence of the subject matter and the acting.  Nathalie Portman, who portrays a psychotic, obsessive, anorexic, crazy ballet dancer, gives a good performance.   However, the movie was so heavy and disturbing, without a single comic relief, except, of course, for the ones we created, that I came out of the movie thinking I really needed to either meditate or have a very strong vodka before going to bed, just so I could calm down. 

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I enjoyed the evening nonetheless.  I especially delighted in the laughter and discussions preceding and following the film.  Those precious moments made it all worthwhile.  Hopefully, the next film we promised ourselves to go watch will also provide us with some enjoyment because of its content!

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