Friday, January 28, 2011


Day 123

When we had our first child, my brother’s present to us was an espresso machine.  Everyone was offering me cute little outfits for my newborn, or nice cozy blankets and other accessories.  My brother came over with a huge coffee machine, indirectly hinting to us that this was what we would really need.

He was right.  The mornings came too fast and the nights were very short, so his present came as a lifesaving device, especially on those mornings when I couldn’t get my eyes open.

For many years, I tried to quit drinking coffee.  That is before, of course, the medical world started studying the health benefits linked to a moderate consumption of coffee: anti-oxidant content, protection from type 2 diabetes, colon cancer prevention, anti-depressant, benefits for the heart and liver, etc.

Like anything in excess, coffee in high quantities can have a negative impact on health.  In moderation (one to two cups a day), it is perfectly healthy!

Thank god I don’t need to stop!  I love my morning coffee.  Unfortunately, because I am such in a hurry in the morning, I rarely get to savor it.   By the time I sit down to drink it, it’s often cold and needs to be reheated or simply thrown out. On Saturday mornings, though, things are completely different...

As soon as I open my eyes, I start getting excited about my morning coffee before I even get out of bed.  And when I open the jar of coffee beans to pour them into the machine, I get a delightful whiff of an aroma that instantly boosts my mood.  And as I willingly take on the role of a barista and I dynamically grind the beans, my level of enthusiasm increases even more. 

The true moment of happiness, though, happens when I take my cup of coffee with both my hands, feeling the warmth of it on the tip of my fingers and I slowly bring it to my awaiting lips, enjoying the aroma as I take the first sip.   And then, as the warmth travels through my body, I close my eyes, making sure all the flavors of the coffee reach my taste buds. 

That Saturday morning coffee, no matter the problems or worries I may have, is definitely a pure moment of bliss.